Regain your zest for life
In the following topics I will show you what I have done and am still doing to be able to live with my grief (coping is not possible anyway). Shall also serve you as orientation. I will gladly accept your suggestions for additions.
„Grieving is the price we pay when we have the courage to love others.“
Irvin D. Yalom
Don't allow grief for your partner to jeopardize your life's journey. First global community for people in grief. Like me. Mourning affects all people regardless of origin, religion, status, gender.... Let us come together to cope with grief. Exchange advices, ideas, recommendations, issues, questions...
Rediscovering the joy of living. My portal for bereaved people who, like me, are trying to reinvent themselves without their loved one. This community is especially for active, life-affirming people (like me) who have lost their partners (much) too soon.
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